When you clearly see, feel and experience that something isn’t quite right, or working out for the higher good of all concerned, it’s your responsibility, in your leadership, to bring that into the collective consciousness of those concerned.
Even though you know you’ll face opposition.
If you don’t, you’re going to be the enabler of abusive ways.
And that’s not who you truly are in your leadership. Is it?
Now, this doesn’t mean that you need to intervene with everything – you need to pick your battles wisely.
Not all battles are yours to fight.
Or to be fight at all.
There is a calling, a movement within you, that tells which ones are for you to address.
(Fight or battle aren’t quite the right words here, as it isn’t about fighting. Rather addressing what clearly doesn’t work for the higher good of all concerned anymore. But for the sake of the saying, I use it to give a clear image of the importance of the case.)
For when there is what we often call a challenge, conflict or crisis rising, it’s a clear sign of the people not being at the same level of consciousness.
And you can’t really collaborate with those not on the same frequency.
It just isn’t a match.
And it just isn’t going to work.
I can’t elaborate this highly enough.
When there isn’t a match in the level of consciousness, it will be highlighted for you to see clearly. Through what you feel, sense, and experience.
The tricky part is that you can’t force others to be at the same level.
You can address it, but you can’t force it.
When it clearly is within your leadership responsibility to address it, initiate the change that is clearly called upon and needed.
For if you don’t, you compromise your own integrity and allow, even enable, the abusive ways to continue.
But remember, if all parties are not willing to have a conversation, to explore the situation, and openly (and often vulnerably) both speak their own truth and hear the truth of others, without criticism, jugdment, name, blame, or shame, it just isn’t going to work.
Then, you need to make decisions accordingly.
Most likely the decisions needed aren’t going to be easy, and they’re going to hurt someone’s feelings momentarily.
In those moments, it’s of paramount importance for you to first and foremost turn inwards. For you to tap into the innate wisdom and knowing, your innate ability to lead.
One in which you first locate your own inner serenity, the knowingness of you being ok in that situation, regardless of the outside conditions, for it erases all triggers of past hurts and allows you to be fully present in the situation. And to actually hear what is being said and sense what is truly happening. Beyond your perceptions.
For then, and only then, can you tap into your innate knowing, your innate ability to lead, and are ready to make decisions in a clear and forwarding manner.
For the higher good of all concerned.
If this a needed change you’re facing in your leadership role, and would like support, I’m here for you.
I work with the highest of leaders and help you to tap into your inner wisdom and higher levels of consciousness as properties for change, so you can be the destined leader you’re here to be.
Just reach out and let’s have a chat.
With my all,