The rude awakenings of 2024

We’ve come to end another year. One, which I call the year of rude awakenings, ha.

Sitting here, looking back to this moment a year ago, my expectations for 2024 were different than what actually unfolded. 

But I can also see how all that has happened, is in alignment.

And that’s what I truly asked and prayed for

Total alignment.

It’s a big ask. I know.

And the way I thought it would come to pass was – well – different.

That’s one thing that 2024 taught me the hard way.

How pointless it is to try to think it out, or analyse it out, or figure it out. All that is a waste of your precious energy and time.

There is a purpose and a movement within you, and you know it deep down, that needs to be expressed and come to pass.

You might just as well let go and let it present everything for you.

For in that process,

You’re held.
You’re loved.
You’re taken care of

In ways that are always aligned with the higher good of all concerned.

But that doesn’t mean all is sorted and easy. That doesn’t mean absence of challenges.

You’re much challenged in your old ways of being and relating. Yet the challenges aren’t there to somehow test you.

No. There are no tests in this universe.

Only you navigating your way through learnt behaviours that may or may not serve you anymore.

And only the experience itself will show you and teach you.

The trials and errors are there to give you an education. One that can only be gained by going through those exact experiences. Wholly and fully.

I’ve banged my head against the wall with this one quite many times this year. And for some reason I have a feeling that this theme of deeper surrender keeps on going as we enter into 2025. Ha!

Another education I’ve deepened my studies in this past year is that when you lose someone by telling your truth, it’s actually not a loss. It’s an alignment. Serving the higher good of all concerned.

This was particularly hard for me and felt like a really rude awakening.

But yet again.
No use of trying to analyse it out, or think it out, or figure it out.

What was needed was openness, willingness and readiness to go through the whole experience. With my shortcomings and all. Even if it meant that by telling my truth I would be a villain in someone else’s story.

And that allowed me to gain a whole new education on what truly serves and what doesn’t.

On what gets to stay and what needs to be released.

Much of my education this year first gutted me in its unexpectedness. And shook me to the core.

But it also awakened me.

To see and to sense and to know how we’re always navigated, guided and nourished. Even in the midst of the darkest nights of the soul.

And out of it all have strengthened the true deep connections, and grown new beautiful ones, that serve the highest good of all. Equally, and united in fearless faith, non-resistance and love.

Dedicated to honour my gained education, and truly humbled by all that I’ve experienced, I’m leaving 2024 behind with much gratitude.

It could not have been more eye-opening in its rude awakenings.

With open heart, and opened eyes, I welcome 2025 and living more and more in alignment!

With my all,