It’s really for your advancement

About those awakenings I mentioned a little while ago. And those challenges we talked about last week.

The ones you may encounter as you get to know yourself more and more, and commit to your own truth.

The ones that may at first leave you feeling gutted in their unexpectedness. 

The ones we, in our physical world, love to call difficulties, or problems, or challenges. Or even obstacles.

They’re not there to somehow test you. Or to stop you.

They’re there to show you what must change.

To give you an education, through your experiences, on what doesn’t serve anymore, and shall be released. On what does serve, and is illuminated through all of your senses for you to see clearly.

On what it is to come home to yourself and leave a mark that creates a change for the higher good of all. Devoid of judgment, criticism, and perception.

To awaken you to honour your own truth, and to commit to it, so that the naturalness in you gets to show through, and guide and govern your every relationship.

There’s no avoiding of this.

For if you try, it only comes back stronger and stronger. Such is the nature of a true education. It cannot be taught at school or learned from the books.

You earn it through the experiences.

And all this,
is for your advancement.

For you to rise to a higher level of consciousness. For you to discover a new way of being, and of relating. For you to lean more freely to your innate abilities, your innate knowing. 

For you to lead from the wisdom that is already within you.

And live more in balance and harmony with what is, what has been, and what’s to come. In the freedom of fearless faith, non-resistance and love.

For there is now criticism here, only change.

Change that is required of you to live more in alignment with the truth.

With my all,