Unclench your jaw.
Take a deep breath in.
And out.
And out.
Place both your hands on your chest.
Relax into being present – here and now.
Ask yourself: How do I feel?
Try not to push the answer with your analytical mind. Feel it. Rising from within.
Make sure your jaw remains unclenched.
Keep breathing in.
And out.
And out.
As you locate and name your feelings, ask yourself: What does this feeling tell me? What data does it provide for me?
Give yourself time to hear the answer coming from within.
If you notice your jaw clenching, your analytical mind might be trying to take over. Unclench your jaw once again.
Let the answer flow in freely.
Breath in.
And out.
And out.
Ask yourself: What is required of me, going forward?
Again, let the answer flow in freely and stay in this question as long as you need.
Thank yourself for the insights you gained.
Breath in.
And out.
And out.
Open your eyes, if you had closed them, and start wiggling your fingers and toes. Perhaps roll your shoulders back few times.
And come back being present in this moment.
Tuning into hearing your own innate wisdom from within doesn’t have to take more time than this.
However, it does require you to consistently practise it.
Don’t worry if it feels like you’re not quite able to tune in or get answers to your questions.
In that case, leave the questions open.
Don’t close them with thoughts like ‘I don’t know’ or ‘I can’t hear anything’.
Let them stay open by stating to yourself that ‘I may not have gotten clear answers now yet I’ll leave the question(s) open and am sure the answers will come in on their own timing‘.
I’ve found this to be particularly powerful, and always the answers have come in, sooner or later, in unexpected ways and in unexpected moments.
Be open to receive them.
Some people see their answers as visuals. Some hear them as an inner voice. Some feel them as sensations in their body. And some just know them, often right away, without being able to tell how or why.
Sometimes the answers come in bits and pieces, sometimes all at once.
Like this email I’m writing.
Yet remember.
Turning into your own innate wisdom has nothing to do with others. It has everything to do with you.
Honour and appreciate your own journey. Do not compare it to those of others.
It’s a beautiful journey, although sometimes challenging, to get to know yourself. More and more.
The innate naturalness in you, the innate knowing, and the innate ability to relate, beyond the shackles of your past hurts, are the ones that truly position you and rise you – like a star.
This is what we talked about in our conversation with my guest, Julie Anne Hart, in the newest episode of The Insights Within Podcast, too.
The rising of you.
Go listen to the full episode now:
40. Rise Like a Star with Julie Anne Hart
With my all,