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We are thrilled to have you in our tribe! The weekly notes cover topics such as personal growth & leadership, spirituality and business. We are all about seeing the bigger picture, having the deeper understanding, alignment with inner wisdom and taking determined action. Sign up for our free weekly tips and lessons learned to inspire your own journey!

Join the Confident Mindset online mini-course
Welcome to the confidence boosting mini-course for women who constantly talk themselves out of and pull themselves back from life’s adventures. Tap into and align with your inner confidence to say ‘YES’ to life’s callings! It’s waiting for you to live it to the fullest! Learn more and get started right away from the link above.

The Thrives on Neglect blog
The Thrives on Neglect blog is a place where I share insights, inspiration and lessons learned on thriving as an entrepreneur, and in life in general, regardless of the tendencies to fawn and to freeze. And I am thrilled to welcome you on this journey with me and look forward to connect with you!

As featured on Thrive Global
The need to please does not have to ruin your success. It’s a set of learned behaviors that can be worked around – for your benefit. Read three tips that have worked wonders not only for me but also for my private coaching clients. Yes, you can confidently live life on your own terms!

Private coaching with me
Do you feel you could be and experience more in this world? Maybe even a lot more? And do it in a way that is energizing to you? As you’re ready to upscale the quality of life and attract your dream, my team and I are here for you! Sign up for a program suitable to you or inquire a 30-minute 1:1 consultation for getting clear on what’s right for you and your next step. We’ve got you!

After years of trying to make it on someone else’s terms, I radically changed my life by claiming my own place in the world, the one that truly belongs to me and to no one else. We all have that unique place and can thrive on neglecting the outsiders opinions and by following our own path. I know I do, and you can, too, if you choose to.